Tech Talk: The Naturals vs. The Neutrals
Posted by All-Nutrient Professional on Jun 9, 2016
We have the Natural series, and we just introduced the Neutral series. So what's the difference?
We call our "N" series the Naturals. But in most other companies, their "N" series represents a "Neutral" series.
When stylists switch to our color line, they notice that our "N" series (the Naturals) is much warmer than what they are used to. So by popular demand, and to allow for an easier transition for those clients who are used to a more neutral "N" series, we launched our own Neutral series.
1. The Naturals
Colorists know that our Natural series tends to be on the a little on the warm side, but that’s because it’s supposed to be! Our Natural series is formulated to be a true natural, with a balanced blend of tones, so it resembles natural haircolor. This blend of complex dyes is combined to give hair the most natural looking tones possible.
2. The Neutrals
Our Neutral series, however, is designed for stylists who want a more neutral base. This dye structure produces a color that is cooler than our Natural series and slightly deeper in tone. The result is a better control of warmth, giving colorists a cooler base with which to work.
This cooler base may be exactly what you need in the warm months to come. Summer months do more than warm the house - they warm the hair, too. Control of this warmth using our Neutral series will aid those clients that tend to pull warmth. Remember, our swatchbook has a Natural Pigment Contribution Chart and the color wheel to assist you in creating perfect, expected results. These formulas still deliver optimum coverage on gray hair that will last just as long as our other series.
3. Best of Both Worlds
Our Neutral series offers an added bonus - PPD-free haircolor! We want everyone to be able to enjoy our haircolor, so those with a PPD allergy now have this option. The Neutral series may be a great choice for clients who show sensitivity to haircolor because PPD is one of the most common allergens when it comes to hair dye. Note, we still insist on a patch test prior to application. While PPD is a common allergen in haircolor, a client may be allergic to another ingredient, no matter how natural our haircolor is. Please keep in mind that if a client is using the Neutral Series for its PPD-free value, do not mix or add other series because they may contain PPD.
Topics: haircolor, The Truth Behind